Thursday, 21 November 2013

Granny Square Goodies
I've got granny square fever, and really need to get my hands on some suitable coloured yarns, my mum is a midwife and said I could make some blankets for the babies! But whilst thats all easy peasy, I really want to make some different things sooo here are some ideas.

Tea Cosy- What a lovely idea! I do love my tea and a tea cosy is the perfect use for granny squares.
Guitar Strap- Of course it would have to be reinforced with fabric, but I quite like this idea. I would totally make it for a gift if it were more masculine..
Granny Square Slippers!- They are almost elf like, I neeeed to make some. Pretty simple by the looks of it too!
Christmas Stocking- I so badly wanted to knit a stocking, but the thought of making a sock is terrifying to me,these are a perfect way around it. Oh so festive.
Dress!- The original link isn't even available anymore but oh my goodness. I would wear this every day.

1 comment:

  1. Those look lots of fun!

    But blankets for new babies may be really appreciated by new mothers who couldn't afford to buy much for them. There are some nice squares here:
