Granny Square Goodies
I've got granny square fever, and really need to get my hands on some suitable coloured yarns, my mum is a midwife and said I could make some blankets for the babies! But whilst thats all easy peasy, I really want to make some different things sooo here are some ideas.
Tea Cosy- What a lovely idea! I do love my tea and a tea cosy is the perfect use for granny squares.
Guitar Strap- Of course it would have to be reinforced with fabric, but I quite like this idea. I would totally make it for a gift if it were more masculine..
Granny Square Slippers!- They are almost elf like, I neeeed to make some. Pretty simple by the looks of it too!
Christmas Stocking- I so badly wanted to knit a stocking, but the thought of making a sock is terrifying to me,these are a perfect way around it. Oh so festive.